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Miracles of Arx Nubibus



This is the dedicated page for Arx. For now, it's a bit empty, but once I have more art to show off I'll add it here. If you'd like to support me on Patreon so I can afford more art, just hit the link at the top of the page. 


Arx is, as simply as I can put it, a superhero story. Superhero with some sci-fi mixed in. I worked really hard to create a city that could feasibly fly using technology we are aware of today. It may not be completely realistic, but I did my best to make something theoretically possible. A million thanks to the guy I pestered with a billion physics questions to get to this point. 


Our main character is Joey, though the cast keeps expanding on me. I started with about five superheroes I wanted to play with and figured I'd go from there. Not all those superheroes are introduced right away. In fact, some might be rather late in the story. Some have also undergone some changes from my initial concept, but to me they are the core of this story. 


I've also found some super fun new characters along the way. These include villains, who I enjoy just as much as the heroes, as well as side characters who probably won't get too much spotlight. 


You can read Arx for free here. Side stories and early chapters are available for Patrons of the appropriate tiers. 

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